
FRANGO/CEPEA: Procura elevada impulsiona valores dos cortes

Cepea, 18/8/2017 – Os valores dos cortes de frango estão em patamares ainda mais elevados que nos últimos dias. Segundo pesquisadores do Cepea, a...


Novos leilões de PEP e Pepro aumentam escoamento de milho do Centro-Oeste

Os leilões de incentivo ao escoamento de milho do Centro-Oeste realizados hoje (17) pela Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab) atingiram quase 100 por cento...


5º Fórum de Agricultura da América do Sul debate sucessão no campo

Na próxima semana, a capital paranaense recebe um dos maiores eventos da América do Sul, especialmente voltado para a discussão do agronegócio. Com a participação...


Replenishment of orange juice inventories depends on a large crop in 2018/19

Cepea, August 17 – Confirming initial expectations of Cepea, ending stocks of orange juice at processors from São Paulo State should be recovered by the end...


With higher supply and weakened demand in Brazil, quotes drop

Cepea, August 17 – Cotton prices dropped in the Brazilian market in the first fortnight of August, and the monthly average in that period, at 2.4379 BRL per pound,...


With dry weather, weight of calves decreases and prices drop

Cepea, August 17 – CATTLE – The drier weather in most Brazilian calf-producing regions is damaging pastures, and growers are running out of fodder. In this...


The arabica monthly average rises and returns to levels of April/17

Cepea, August 17 – Although the arabica harvesting is nearing the end, prices increased in the Brazilian market in the first fortnight of August, reflecting...


Estimates for higher soybean supply in the United States press down quotes in BR

Cepea, August 17 – Prices of soybean and soymeal dropped in the first fortnight of August, reflecting expectations for a large crop in the United States, weakened...


Sellers? retraction push up corn quotes in Brazil

Cepea, August 17 – Corn quotes increased in the Brazilian market in the first fortnight of August, reflecting sellers’ retraction. As the harvesting has...


Although harvesting nears in Brazil, prices reach the highest level in 2017

Cepea, August 17 – Despite the nearness of the wheat harvesting in Brazil, prices have reached the highest levels in the year, in real terms, in some regions...